Bokeh and DOF (depth of field) tips

What is bokeh and DOF? Depth of field (DOF), refers to the area of an image that is in focus. You have most likely seen images where the main subject is in focus, while the background is out of focus or totally blured. The area that covers the focused area is the DOF (depth of field). Bokeh on the other hand, refers to the appearance of the light that is seen within the blured part of the photograph. Bokeh and DOF are important to consider for photographs when you need the main subject to stand out on its own and not be lost in background distractions. Isn't Bokeh and DOF the same thing? No, bokeh and depth of field is not the same thing, although they do work together. DOF is seen in a photograph where there is an obvious focus area, set against a blured background or foreground. Bokeh on the otherhand, refers to how your camera lens renders the light that is seen within the blured parts of the image. ...